Little Brother and Big Brother

No Fees 401(k) and 401(k) Easy

No Fees 401(k) is a perfect “starter” 401(k) for small business, at a rock-bottom price. It includes all essential features a small business 401(k) needs, including IRS-approved prototype documents customized to your company’s needs, online 401(k) compliance testing at the click of a mouse, and individual self-directed Charles Schwab 401(k) brokerage accounts for all your employees. The No Fees 401(k) Schwab self-directed accounts are free. They offer thousands of no-cost, no-load mutual funds, including Fidelity Funds and Vanguard Fund. The self-directed 401(k) accounts also include commission-free stock and bond trading, and our iron-clad guarantee of NO 401(k) fees, EVER. 401(k) fees will never be skimmed from your employees' 401(k) retirement savings, jeopardizing their retirement security.

401(k) Easy is No Fees 401(k)'s "big brother" and is a more robust 401(k) offering. 401(k) Easy includes all the features of the No Fees 401(k), and more, at a slightly higher price. Additional 401(k) Easy features include 401(k) loans, employer profit-sharing options, the ‘safe-harbor’ 401(k) option, IRS Form 5500-SF preparation and filing, the Roth 401(k) option, in-service distributions, and an expanded lineup of management and accounting reports.

No Fees 401(k) the "little brother" 401(k) Easy the "big brother"
No Fees 401(k) and 401(k) Easy's experienced staff of 401(k) professionals guides the employer in designing a custom 401(k) plan based upon our IRS-approved 401(k) prototype. The No Fees 401(k) and 401(k) Easy prototype is fully supported and kept up-to-date, to conform to ever-changing IRS and ERISA rules and regulations. 401(k) prototype options can be changed by the company when its needs change; the company is never locked-in to a rigid plan.
No Fees 401(k) and 401(k) Easy are provided by Pension Systems Corporation, a 401(k) recordkeeper with over 30 years of professional experience setting up and maintaining 401(k) plans for small (and micro-sized) businesses. Our experienced staff will quickly set-up a new 401(k) and assist the Plan Sponsor in setting-up up its connection to the brokerage of its choice.
No Fees 401(k) and 401(k) Easy provide the Plan Sponsor with ongoing telephone and email support during normal business hours (EST).
No Fees 401(k) and 401(k) Easy provide the Plan Sponsor with real-time, online ADP and ACP compliance, 401(k) plan coverage, and top-heavy testing at the click of a mouse. If a test failure emerges, the Plan Sponsor can contact No Fees 401(k) and 401(k) Easy for guidance and support.
No Fees 401(k) and 401(k) Easy Plan Participants use a secure password-protected "gateway" to access and manage their 401(k)s. Participants have comprehensive "self-directed" control over their investment selections plus access to downloadable statements and reports.

The Plan Sponsor has secure access to every aspect of the company's 401(k), including control of 401(k) plan assets held in custody, downloadable auditing and accounting reports, and running 401(k) compliance, coverage and top-heavy tests at the click of a mouse.
No Fees 401(k) and 401(k) Easy offer the small business owner his or her selection of self-directed brokerage accounts from top firms as Charles Schwab, Scottrade, E*Trade, Fidelity Investments, and Vanguard Investments. Most brokerages offer commission-free stock and bond trading and commission-free access thousands of no-load mutual funds, including the most popular Fidelity Funds and Vanguard Funds.
If a 401(k) Participant terminates employment, his or her self-directed brokerage can be quickly and easily converted to an IRA Rollover held at the same brokerage. This feature is popular with No Fees 401(k) and 401(k) Easy users because it maintains the Participant's current 401(k) investment options and protects the Participant's 401(k) retirement savings from state and federal taxes.
The Plan Sponsor quickly and easily uploads payroll and 401(k) contribution information to No Fees 401(k) and 401(k) Easy, and at his or her convenience, authorizes the transfer of the contributions to Participants' individual self-directed brokerage accounts.
No Fees 401(k) and 401(k) Easy make available online applications that provide high-caliber investment education and guidance in making 401(k) investment selections. These applications are a valuable free service provided by whichever brokerage the employer selects for the company's 401(k).
No Fees 401(k) and 401(k) Easy protect the employer from ERISA 3(16) liability in the two areas where 401(k)-related lawsuits emanate. No Fees 401(k) and 401(k) Easy do not deduct or skim fees from participants' accounts. No Fees 401(k) and 401(k) Easy use self-directed brokerage accounts which offer unlimited investment options not pre-selected by the employer.
The government will, in most cases, subsidize 50% of No Fees 401(k) and 401(k) Easy's startup and annual renewal costs depending on the size of your plan and its features. This tax credit applies to all fees paid to No Fees 401(k) and 401(k) Easy for set-up and annual fees for years 1, 2, and 3. The maximum tax credit is $5,000 per year---after three years, it totals $15,000 in business tax credits.
401(k) Easy allows supplemental 401(k) contributions for persons age 55+
401(k) Easy IRS-approved prototype has an available Safe Harbor 401(k) option, making compliance tests unnecessary, and providing Participants with fully vested profit-sharing contributions, at a relatively modest cost to the employer.
The QACA (Qualified Automatic Contribution Arrangement) Safe Harbor requires the employer to automatically enroll all qualified employees in the company's 401(k) and make matching contributions, but at a lower rate than Traditional Safe Harbor 401(k) matching contributions.
Participants apply for 401(k) hardship withdrawals online. We alert Participants to the negative tax consequences and loss of investment compounding when money is withdrawn from 401(k) savings before retirement. 401(k) Easy documents and time-stamps all 401(k) hardship withdrawal applications. Documenting and time-stamping the application protects the company from liabilities or misunderstandings concerning the negative consequences 401(k) hardship withdrawals.
401(k) Easy allows the company to make fully-vested profit-sharing contributions to Participants on a totally discretionary, year-by-year basis. With the exception of safe-harbor 401(k) plans, the employer is never locked-in to a permanent profit-sharing arrangement.
401(k) is Eligible for Roth 401(k)  
401(k) is Eligible for 401(k) Loans  
Third-Party Payroll Integration manages all file formats exported from either online-based or PC-based payroll services.
401(k) Easy uses Charles Schwab as its default 401(k) asset brokerage. Schwab-based 401(k) Easy plans recieve this service automatically. Non-Schwab brokerages do not qualify for this feature, but 401(k) Easy 5500-SF Preparation & Filing clients will qualify. Please see for details.
Signature-Ready Form 5500-SF Preparation and Filing  
Signature-Ready Summary Annual Report  
401(k) is Eligible for In-Service Distributions  
Options Trading (ERISA Limits Apply)  
401(k) is Eligible for Vesting Profit-Sharing Contributions From 1 to 6 Years  
Backdoor Roth 401(k) (ERISA Limits Apply)